Sunday, August 25, 2013

Things that exhaust me

things that exhaust me:

  • The never ending voice in my head telling me, "I am ok, I will be ok, life will go on."
  • Smiling and laughing while out with my friends, because, well, it's "good for me to be out" and it gives the appearance that life is going on
  • Life going on, as if nothing has changed
  • The fact that everything has in fact changed
  • Hiding my tears behind sunglasses
  • Feeling like I need to keep my tears from my husband because he has already moved on to acceptance, and we don't need the two of us inhabiting my hell.  I don't want to reopen the compartment he has been been able to close.
  • My body returning to "empty" (hormone levels, uterus, etc.)
  • Knowing that my uterus is in fact empty
  • Occasionally hearing the voice that screams, "I am not okay!" and desperately trying to close that compartment
  • The seemingly never ending cycle of anger turning to grief turning back to anger
  • Wondering why my baby wasn't fit for this earth, when every single day crack addicts and 15 year old girls give birth to physically normal children
  • Acclimating myself to our new "normal"
  • Accepting that this is our new "normal"
  • Remembering that everything has changed
And, ultimately....
  • Accepting the fact that I had absolutely no control over what happened, and have no control over future pregnancies. 


  1. I have read many blogs like yours lately.
    My most sincere sympathies to you as you grieve your loss, and as you continue to grieve for your lifetime <3

  2. This is exactly how I have felt since my miscarriage. One foot in front of the other, one breath at a time. we are not okay, but it can't feel this bad forever, right?
